Monday, February 11, 2008

Tag from Good Company

I was tagged by Good Company to do a book are the rules:
1. Find a book close to you.
2. Turn to page 123..
3. Find the 5th sentence on page 123.
4. Copy the three sentences that follow the 5th sentence.
5. Send this meme request to 5 people .
Here is my book meme response for Good Company:
I chose a James Patterson book called -The Quickie.
page 123, Sentence 5, .. next 3 lines are as follows: "I watched him looking around, clearly lost. Maybe it was David Blaine, come to give me some sleight-of-hand tips. I opened the door."

My tags are: Linda Q, Flatlander from Georgia, and that is all I know in blogland? besides Good Company and she was already tagged!! So, I do not have 5 people! Oh well, I am still new at this, so maybe I can do the next tag correctly..ha!!!!!!!!!!
And to answer you question, my guess is that he is talking about God? Do we get some chocolate if we guess right??? If so, I will read the book and get back to you tomorrow!! HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Yea! I'm so glad to see your blog, and I love how short your 3 sentences are.

The answer was St. Paul - but I'll have to talk mom into sending you some chocolates any way.

Enjoying the blog, even if I'm not commenting ver much. Read it every day I'm on.