Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day!!

Today was a good day. I got to spend the holiday with my daughter and husband. We did not do much, just ran errands and enjoyed the day. It was a little windy today, but at least it was not raining!! We got a lot of rain last night! Our brook, creek or whatever you like to call it, is full now and is bubbling again! We missed the tornadoes and the wind damage, thank goodness for that!! I checked out Linda Q's book meme and it was nice to see her response to the challenge! Other than that, not much to write about today. I hope all of you got a day off work to do something relaxing! My sister made me a delicious pound cake for my birthday, so I am eating a piece twice a day..oh well, there goes my diet, but I think once a year it is nice to sprugle on something I enjoy, even if my pants will be too tight in a few weeks! It is worth it! I have a box of Medifast in the closet, so I guess I will drink up for a month before my next physical...yummy!! I can hardly contain my excitement, just thinking about the powder mix makes me hurl!! Oh well, at least it works for me in a crunch!! Have a good day!

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