Thursday, March 27, 2008


This week has gone by really fast. I broke my thumb on Saturday night, so I am not doing too well typing this week..Bear decided to drag me through the house and when I put my hand up to grab the wall to stop, my thumb hit the wall and it was bent back and then..pop, it was broken at the knuckle..ouch!! It really wasn't Bear's fault, and he appeared very concerned that I was hurt. He is so big, so I am often not prepared when he decides to take off, so I have to learn to be more careful!!! He hasn't stopped running yet...his favorite hikes are usually after a squirrel or another dog enters the yard!!
Other than that bad news, it has been beautiful weather this week. Our Easter dinner turned out really well, and t enjoyed the day. For the majority of the week, I have been doing a bit of Spring cleaning. I even tackled the garage today. It is going to take more time to get it done now, but it is beginning to shape up!!

1 comment:

Christine said...

Oh my goodness! What a week - you poor thing that must have hurt so much.