Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Talent Show

Last night was my daughter's school talent show. It was amazing. My daughter sang last and did a wonderful job singing. I was so proud of her, as she has real talent and never ceases to amaze me. She chose a song by Faith Hill called "There You'll Be", and it was quiet fitting to the occasion, as the program was dedicated to a teacher who had lost his battle with cancer. There were not many dry eyes in the place, and I for one, was in shock that she pulled the song off with only two hours of practice. This was because of a last minute change of song because the song she wanted was not available on karaoke CD. I held my breath and was so proud when she hit every note with ease, and when the music accidentally got stopped before the end, she just kept singing...UNREAL!! This was my husband's second time seeing her on the stage, and I think I saw tears in his eyes! I hope to post the video soon, but I have to wait as my camera was lost in the last move, so I am waiting on the neighbor's to supply me with the goods. I was also very proud of Peyton, our neighbor, as she sang really good, and since it was her first time in front of a crowd, I thought she did very well!!
Only two days left to the end of the school year!! I am looking forward to sleeping in and vacation!! I know the summer will go by quickly! I find it hard to believe that my daughter will be in 8th grade next year!! The years really fly by, and I realize how lucky I have been to be able to share in her childhood. We have many good memories, and luckily for me, she has been able to do many things as an only child, so she is well-rounded.
Other than that, the sun is shining here and the weather is cool. A nice break from this time of year in Georgia!! We have had so much rain this year, and it is supposed to be raining tonight and the weekend. My flowers look great, so that is a plus for now. No more drought either, so maybe this year, we can use the boat to enjoy the summer.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Camp decisons

My daughter has asked to go to camp this summer. It is only a week, but I am seriously considering it, as I feel she is old enough to have some fun with different people that are not normally in her comfort zone. The camp is my old church camp, and while I am sure it has changed in the 34 years since my last visit, I am hoping that it brings to her the joy and warmth that I felt there.
I was never a "shy" kid, and I made so many friends, enjoyed the crafts, and the fellowship of the crowd. I understand that the facilities have become extremely modern and I wish that it could be the same "camp" that I experienced. We had no a/c, only big window fans, and it was HOT!! We had "field' baseball and kickball, and made crafts..flowerpots that were painted for our parents, and hand prints that I still have today. We had chapel and special speakers and singers. It was so much fun. There were competitions, and late night "raids" of the other dorms, but it was all in fun.
I have often told my daughter of all the fun at summer camp, and I hope that she will have a great experience and enjoy the innocence of the week of freedom from her parents like I did way back then in the late 70's. I guess I am the one that will need therapy!! I have never been away from my child for more than one night since she was born, so I guess that is the real hesitation here. The real fear is that she will get older and find that there is a life outside her home!! She is growing up..way too fast!! As she nears her 13th birthday, it is becoming really clear that she is now officially a "young woman". I am left asking..where did the time go???

Monday, May 4, 2009

Phantom of the Opera Performance

Tonight is my daughter's concert at school. The chrous will be performing Phantom of the Opera. I can hardly wait, as it is always good to see the chrous and be entertained. Their director is so amazing and the kids are very talented.
We have rain today and it is going to be nasty most of the week. We had storms over the weekend and some pretty strong winds, and tornado warnings, although, it never got that bad at our house. I hope the rain stops before tonight. It is never good when a 12 year old has to wear a long black chorus dress in the rain!
The weekend was somewhat boring, as Dane was sick with a stomach virus, and it rained most of the weekend on and off. I did manage to cook on Sunday. I made a very good Macaroni and Cheese dish from a recipe off of the Food Network channel. It was exceptionally good, and I will be happy to share if anyone is interested. My family loved it, and there wasn't any leftovers. I am becoming a cook...the Food Network channel is great! It is much easier than listening to my spouse tell me how to cook!! It prevents a lot of fights in the kitchen. I hate it when he stands over me and tells me "how" to cook. He is a natural, but I am just finding my way to cook a few things, as I hate to cook. When it is raining outside on a weekend though, it gives me something to do with Taylor. She is like her mom and hates to cook, and laundry is out of the question for her too. I can make her do laundry once and awhile, but she is far more interested in her Ipod and her friends at this stage.
Well, I am off to run some much needed errands, so I will post another day when I have more time. Have a great day!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Pollen Blues!!

The weather is beautiful here the high 70's. I love the sun, but the pollen is awful this year!! We have had so much rain, but it seems to get thicker after the rain.
It has been awhile since I have written on my blog. I have been meaning to get caught up, but things have been hectic lately. This has been a busy year for Taylor, and the school year is almost over!! I can hardly believe it!! A little "news'..Taylor won Durham Idol this year at her school. She was very cool about her win. She did not tell me the time of her performance, and I had to wait until after school to hear about it. She came in and very calmly said, "hi mom and dad, I won Durham is my there anything to drink?" My husband and I tried to make a big deal out of it, and so did the neighbors, but she was very bashful about it, and did not have a "big head" about it. I was amazed that she had the nerve to get up in front of about 500 kids and sing! I never could. Singing comes naturally to her and she never meets a stranger, so I guess that is a good thing. I wish I could figure out how to speak or sing without having a dry mouth and a fainting spell!! LOL!! Besides that, Taylor is planning to go to church camp this summer, so I am looking forward to having a little vacation at my mom's for a week. i never get to see any of my old friends, and I think that will be fun..maybe I will get a lunch date without interruption.
Other than that, life is moving along well. Dane is working at home these days, so that has been a change for me! I only wish I could work again..the house is not big enough for both of us!! I don't know what he is thinking!! LOL!!
They found out mom has to have gallbladder surgery in June. I am not looking forward to having my mom in a hospital for surgery, but I am glad that they have finally found out what all of her mysterious illnesses were about. I had the same surgery a few years ago, and it went well, but took a lot out of me energy wise for a few weeks. say a prayer for her!
Well, it is time to call it a day ..have a good night!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


It is cold here today, but at least the sun is shining for the first time in a week!!! T is back at school and D is back at work, so I finally have a few minutes to blog!! It was a busy holiday, but peaceful. I got word today that my mom is retiring..Finally!!! So, I am excited that I might have more time with her and hopefully, we can visit more than a few times a year. She seems a little hesitant, but I think that once she has more freedom, she will be more relaxed and able to do things that she has been putting off for some years! I hope that she gets some travel time and gets to see the world, and visit more with her grandchildren. She is somewhat of a homebody, but maybe that will change with time. No more news to share, so have a blessed day!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!!

It is so nice to see the end of 2008. Hopefully, the country will mend in 2009 and we all will be happy and healthy during the New Year!!
I made a few resolutions this year..1. to save more money, 2. to lose more weight, and 3. to be more tolerant of those who get on my last nerve. So, we shall see when I reflect back to my blog next year, if I made it through and held true to my resolutions. I have failed in the losing weight area more than once, but at 43, I am beginning to see how important it is to take care of myself. I think this is one area that sometimes gets pushed to the side when you are a mother, wife, etc. Life happens, and then sometimes we just accept things and let them go on thinking that they will change one day. So, I am going to attempt to be healthier this year.
The holidays are finally over. We did not do anything major, but we did spend hours of quality time together as a family. We also spent a weekend with my immediate family, which was really nice.
My husband's aunt died on Christmas day, so this was really sad for all of us. Our beloved Aunt Dixie will be missed. She was such a special lady that gave all she had to everyone around her. Even though we did not get to visit often, we always kept in touch with her. My husband was devastated, as she was like a mother to him throughout his life. I am just thankful that we all got to spend time with her a few years back, and that we got to talk to her recently. This was all so sudden and unexpected, as she was the type that never let anyone know how sick she really was because she was always more concerned about other people and what was going on in their lives.
My best memory of Aunt Dixie was her cooking. She always made me a plate of food to go..if I was off to work, she made sure I had some food. If I was sick, she made sure I had something to eat, and she always made sure that she was around when we visited my husband's family. She was full of life and loved children. When my daughter was born, she came down to my house and made dinner for us, took care of me and my family, and our visits to MD were special because she made it a point to be there, and she had time with my daughter. We always got cards, family pictures, etc. She made sure that my daughter had photo's of her deceased relatives, and made it a point to give her the full names so that she would know where she came from later in life. We all will miss her. I know that the world is a better place because of her and all that she contributed while she was here on this earth!
Well, I am off to watch the rain fall..have a blessed day and I hope the New Year will be prosperous for everyone!!